Auromere's Ayurvedic Formula combines the naturally cleansing and potently invigorating properties of Neem and Peelu with 21 other barks, roots, plants and flowers that have been esteemed for centuries by Ayurvedic Specialists for their separate and combined efficacy in maintaining superior dental hygiene.
("Ayur"= Life & "Veda"=Knowledge) is the ancient holistic science of India which aims at a total harmony of Mind, Life, Body and Spirit in balance with nature's rhythms.
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Другие Ингредиенты
Fine chalk (a gentle cleanser), glycerine (from vegetable oil), water, herbal extract blend: [organic neem* (azadirachta indica), peelu (salvadora persica), indian licorice root, pomegranate rind, common jujube, rose apple, clove, persian walnut, barleria prinoitis bark (vajradanti), indian almond, bedda nut, asian holly oak, prickly ash, zanthoxylum alatum, sappan wood, catechu, bengal madder, acacia arabica bark (babul), sarsaparilla, cinnamon, medlar bark, mayweed, bishop's weed (flower extract)], silica, chondrus crispus (seaweed extract), cellulose gum (from plant fiber), peppermint oil, spearmint oil, eucalyptus oil, cinnamon bark oil, menthol, thymol, anethol, potassium sorbate (potassium salt), p thymol (from thyme oil).
*Certified organic supercritical extract of neem for increased potency
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