The beneficial bacteria strain we use in FLORASSIST® Daily Bowel Regularity, Bifidobacterium lactis HN019, was first isolated from yogurt produced in New Zealand. There are quite a few strains of active cultures in bacteria—over 2,000 to be exact—but B. lactis HN019 is different.
Helps relieve occasional constipation in clinical studies
In a triple-blind clinical study, 88 men and women with mild occasional constipation were given either a low dose of B. lactis HN019, a high dose or a placebo. When taken once a day for two weeks those receiving the lower dose of B. lactis HN019 reported a 31% faster colonic transit time, or (CTT). Your CTT is the time it takes your food to move through your digestive system.
While a 31% improvement is good, the high-dose HN019 group did even better! Their CTTs increased by 57% faster. What’s more, the high-dose participants reported significant decreases in occasional digestive discomforts that they’d been experiencing prior to the study. After reviewing these results, we formulated our FLORASSIST® Daily Bowel Regularity to reflect the same amount as the high-dose study group.
How does it work?
There are plenty of ways to increase regularity—but not every regimen or solution is right for every person. So how does Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 do it? The answer lies in particular short-chain fatty acids (or SCFAs) produced within your digestive tract. B. lactis HN019 encourages SCFA production. This in turn sets off a chain reaction that “speeds up” the contents of your digestive tract!
Once a day, Non-GMO and gluten-free
Since there’s no point in creating a digestive health probiotic that includes potentially troublesome ingredients, we’ve taken additional steps to self-certify that FLORASSIST® Daily Bowel Regularity is completely gluten-free and made with absolutely no genetically modified ingredients.
For an easy, once a day probiotic that’s clinically studied to support digestion and relieve occasional constipation in as little as two weeks, add FLORASSIST® Daily Bowel Regularity to your regimen today.
Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, растительная целлюлоза (капсула), растительный стеарат, диоксид кремния.
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.
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