Take a swish on the wild side.
Black rinse might look weird, but it works brilliantly. Activated charcoal (made from sustainable bamboo) is a natural detoxifier that freshens breath, while coconut oil moisturizes your mouth. But wait, there's more: xylitol and tea tree oil will rock your world, and bonus, there's zero alcohol. Now that's friendly.
Не является лекарственным средством
Другие Ингредиенты
Purified water, vegetable glycerin (soothes and moisturizes), polysorbate 80 (emulsifier), flavor (yum), xylitol (sweetener), erythritol (sweetener), poloxamer 407 (emulsifier), charcoal powder (freshens breath), coconut oil (soothes and moisturizes), sodium benzoate (maintains stability) and tea tree oil (freshens breath).
Shake the bottle before each use. Charcoal may settle, but you shouldn't. Swish like you mean it for 20-30 glorious seconds, and think happy thoughts. Black rinse can be messy, so please spit responsibly and clean the sink when you're done. That's friendly.
For your protection, cap sealed with printed band.
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