Delayed release capsules protect against stomach acid and provide maximum absorption.
NADH and CoQ10 are crucial co-enzymes necessary to maintain adequate levels of ATP, which helps support healthy energy levels, stamina and cognitive function.
Every cell in the body requires ATP to function properly and a continual supply of this crucial element is essential to the proper function of the heart, brain, nerves and muscles. ATP is produced in the human body through the process of cellular respiration. NADH and CoQ10 are important co-enzymes in the cell respiration pathway and are needed for the body to maintain adequate levels of ATP. NADH and CoQ10 levels in the body begin to decline as we age, along with the decline of these crucial co-enzymes comes lack of energy, stamina, and cognitive function.
Form of CoQ10 in this formula is Ubiquinone.
Adding daily supplementation of NADH and CoQ10 can help to support ATP production, providing increased energy levels, improved mood and greater mental focus. NADH and CoQ10 are powerful antioxidants and free-radical scavengers, helping to protect cells and support the immune system. ProHealth's NADH + CoQ10 uses a patented delayed release capsule (DRcaps) to protect the delicate co-enzymes from stomach acid.
Экстракт рисовых отрубей.
Не содержит молока, яйца, рыбы, моллюски, древесные орехи, арахиса, пшеница или кукуруза.
Примечание. Не используйте, если защитная пленка повреждена или отсутствует. Плотно закрывайте после каждого использования. Хранить в сухом прохладном месте.
Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
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